Thursday, February 16, 2012

First Post - DC Area Drivers

Well, this will be my first blog posting.  Be patient with me as they will get better over time, I'm sure.  These blogs will be about my general observations as I go through my days.  The observations will vary, but they are completely my opinion and I may be completely wrong, but it's just how I'm observing things, so I'm definitely not out to offend anyone.

Today, I just look at drivers in area and realize how clueless they are.  Now, I live in the DC suburbs of VA and drivers in this area have never been good, but add a smartphone to that mix and the driving just gets dangerous.  People will be driving at or above speed limit one second and then suddenly they slow down to 10 MPH below the posted speed limit in the left lane.  Umm, I was always taught that the left lane was for passing and not for cruising at the speed limit, so cruising or slowing way down in the left lane is VERY irritating to me. Upon closer observation of the driver who is slowing down in the left lane, usually you can see the glow of a smartphone or the person's hand up to their ear.

I don't understand why people can't wait until they get to their destination to make a phone call or to send an email.  Is work or your social life so important that you can't wait 20 or 30 minutes to make a phone call or send an email?  I understand that things move fast around here, but putting your life and everyone's life around you in jeopardy because you need to make a phone call or send an email is just stupid!  Just wait to make the call until you get to your destination.  You'll get there faster and safer by being able to drive faster and paying more attention to the road.

I applaud the people that I see on the highways that pull over to make a phone call.  If you need to make an emergency call or shoot off an important email, that's the way to do it!

Keep in mind, I'm not against technology by any means.  I'm an IT Systems Engineer and I love my tech gadgets, but driving while using these gadgets is dangerous to the person using them and everyone around that person.  I'm all for requiring hands free devices which works fairly well in the District of Columbia, but I do not support the use of smartphones without hands free devices.

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